save the WUK
In the news today: our campaign to help save the WUK, Viennas infamous alternative space and gig venue. Colorful bricks looking good on TV!

In the news today: our campaign to help save the WUK, Viennas infamous alternative space and gig venue. Colorful bricks looking good on TV!
Yesterday was the opening of the exhibition »Die schönsten Bücher Österreichs, Deutschlands, der Niederlande und der Schweiz« at Hauptbücherei Wien. We designed this little booklet for the Austrian selection of 2017. For the first time this year, the awarded books are presented in a small book rather than a leaflet.
This year we went for sequins and trees in Roland Bischels shopwindows. Best of Bling Bling. Realized with the help of many little hands and our favourite client Roland.
Our work for OBENAUF/s building sites is featured in the latest issue of Falter Verlags 'Best of Vienna' magazine. Heads up, there's several more to come — hand painted by sensomatic.
The latest program leaflets for Filmcasino and Filmhaus cinemas feature bold colours, Hedy Lamarr and Lady Gaga.
We designed a small newspaper for the up and coming Schlingermarkt in Floridsdorf, the next Notting Hill of Vienna, portraying people who work and live there.
Now the Filmhaus cinema also has a street sign indicating the way to the basement cinema from far. The color works very well — both in daylight and at night.
We have designed a number of invites and leaflets for Public Art Lower Austria, all following our new identity that was introduced in 2018.
New business cards for the absofuckinglutely best masterfuckingtiler Alf Neidhardt.
With the news of the solo artist at the Austrian Pavillon (see below) comes a nice and simple website, of course. in this year’s sensomatic spring colour scheme.
And finally: our beautiful Litfasssäule promoting the new Filmhaus cinema right up the street! Check. (photo © nadine oucherif)
Renate Bertlmann will be the solo artist at the Austrian pavilion in Venice 2019. Great news, released today in our beautiful press folders and cards, logo design by Dorit Magreiter.
And this is how it all started: we redesigned the Filmcasino website, now representing both Filmhaus and Filmcasino cinemas — now it is finally online and working smoothly.
The refurbished cinema Filmhaus has opened in Spittelberggasse with new films and a beautiful new bar, illuminated by sensomatic designed neon signs and posters. So good it made it into the in the newspapers!
Soon to come: Filmcasino's new branch, Filmhaus, is about to open. Be sure to check out their beautiful bar for drinks before and after the films.
We have ordered spring to come to our favorite optician’s shop with strings in red, green, yellow and blue. Walking past has never been so colourful!
Two beautiful new books by Czernin Verlag!
SOLO is going viral at the moment — check out #hotdudesreadingSOLO
2018 started in red, blue and green for Filmcasino cinema. There is more to come in April when their new branch, the Filmhaus, opens with a new design and a beautiful new bar.
Not super fresh but still hot. The beautiful record cover for the latest and first album of our much loved, mostly drunk band: The Holy Hurricanes.
Intense listening and printing destroyed vital parts of our brains so we forgot to mention that production for quite a while.
Anyway, what was the question again?
Opening on January 25th this comprehensive exhibition about public art in carinthia features temporary as well as permanent work. Sensomatic are responsible for the overall graphic identity and display design.